在激光预警系统中,为了实时监测在各个方向的入射激光,同时,保证较高的激光入射方向角分辨率,设计了基于投影面积分析算法的激光方向测量系统。系统光学部分由几何尺寸已定的遮光模块和面阵CCD探测器组成,当激光入射系统时,由于遮光模块的存在,会在面阵CCD探测器上产生阴影,通过计算分析阴影的面积即可反演入射激光的方向。通过仿真计算可知,在要求最小分辨角度为1°时,对应的面积变化远小于CCD探测器的分辨能力。实验采用660 nm激光器、IA-D9-5000型面阵CCD探测器、旋转平台,实验数据显示,入射激光在各种条件下旋转1°在四个象限区域内,所形成的投影面积各不相同,通过投影面积分析算法可以反演入射激光的方向。
In the laser warning system, in order to realize real-time monitoring in all directions of the incident laser, and at the same time, ensure a high laser incident direction angular resolution, we designed the laser direction measurement systems with the projected area analysis algorithm. The system is composed of shading module and area CCD. When the laser incidents system, the shadow will be generated on the area CCD detector by the presence of shading module. The system can calculate the analysis of the shadow area to inversion in the direction of the incident laser. The simulation shows the required minimum resolution angle of 1°, corresponding to the area of change is much smaller than the resolution of the CCD detector. Experiment using 660 nm laser, the IA - D9 - 5000 area CCD detector, rotating platform, experimental data show that 1° of the incident laser rotates in a variety of conditions in the four quadrants formed by the projected area by the projected area of the analysis algorithm for the inversion of the direction of the incident laser.
Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)