Essentially, the development path is sort of value orientation, including the essence and aim of Russian social development. It embodies dialectical relationship between tradition and modernity, between democratization and national situation. And it also demands establishing a mechanism to guarantee the realization of the ideal of Russian development. The adjustment and improvement of Russian development path is main agenda of the sixth State Duma election and the presidential election. Currently, Russia has entered a new stage of comprehensive development. To strengthen political competition is a new feature of the new phase, with essence in reforming the new authoritarian regime of Russia. The adjustment of Russia's development pathfaces challenges, mainly including prospects of state capitalism model, coordination of state and market relations, modernization of the "United Russia" Party, changes of administration mode, challenges from public opinions, implementation of social policies, as well as adjustment of international strategies. What national identities does Russia exactly have, how should democracy of Russia be regarded, how should the discontinuity of Russian development path be treated, how should Russia be understood in Russian history? All of these are basic issues to explore Russian development path. Historically speaking, Russian national identity is closely linked with its empire consciousness. This self-consciousness essentially lacks respect towards other cultures. This is a key issue of current Russia to integrate into the world. It is a note worthy trend for Russian prospect that the elites' identification of Russia as a "Euro-Pacific country", the neo-nationalism and the "Eurasian Union" strategy are closely affecting each other.
Russian Studies
Russia, Development Path, Presidential Election, Modemi-zation, Transition