
不同容积盆栽对樱桃番茄果实品质和叶片氮代谢影响 被引量:15

The Effect of Different Cubage Pot Culture on Fruit Quality and Leaf Nitrogen Metabolism of lycopersicon esculentum
摘要 为探讨限根栽培对樱桃番茄品质的影响及限根下叶片氮代谢的变化,以樱桃番茄‘金珠’为试材,采用基质盆栽,研究限根栽培对樱桃番茄单果重、果实品质、叶片硝态氮含量和硝酸还原酶活性的影响。结果表明:采用容积较小盆钵进行番茄限根栽培,单果重下降,果实品质得到改善,其中可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和Vc含量提高幅度最高分别可达12.50%、21.75%和3.41%,且栽培容器容积愈小,品质提高和单果重下降愈明显。限根栽培还降低了植株叶片硝态氮的含量和硝酸还原酶活性。总之,采用限根栽培能够提高樱桃番茄果实的品质,同时产量有一定程度的下降,植株叶片氮代谢减弱。试验结果对高品质番茄栽培具有一定的指导意义。 In order to discuss the effect of root restriction on cherry tomato fruit quality and leaf nitrogen metabolism. In this experiment, the impact of root restriction on Lycopersicon esculentum‘Jinzhu’single fruit weight, fruit quality, NO3--N content and nitrate reductase (NR) activity in a substrate cultivation with different cubage pots. Results showed that root restriction reduced the single fruit weight and increased the fruit quality, namely soluble solid content (12.50%), tritratable acid content (21.75%), vitamin C content (3.41%). Moreover, the improvement of quality and decrease of single fruit weight became more significant with reduction of cubage pots. NO3--N content and NR activity in leaves also decreased with root restriction. Thus, root restrictions improved fruit quality, at the same time, reduced fruit yield and weakened leaf nitrogen metabolism. This study had important instruction meaning for high quality tomato cultivation in some extent.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第16期150-154,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 浙江省科技厅重大科技专项(优先主题)农业项目"高风味品质番茄栽培关键技术的研究和开发"(2008C12002-1) 浙江省蔬菜产业创新团队项目"蔬菜种质资源鉴定利用和栽培技术研究"(2009R50026) 浙江农林大学创新团队支持计划"设施园艺作物生长发育 品质调控及安全生产机制研究"(B类)
关键词 限根栽培 番茄 品质 氮代谢 root restriction culture Lycopersicon esculentum quality nitrogen metabolism
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