In order to effectively transcribe dsRNA in plants,an inducer of RNA silencing,the total RNA was isolated from the susceptible tobacco variety,the specific primers of the high homology and differential region was designed according to the published sequence of eIF4E gene,cloned the target gene fragment of eIF4E gene by RT-PCR.Sense fragment was obtained by digesting with XbaⅠ and ClaⅠ and inserted into vector pKAN,then called the recombinant plasmid pK-S.Antisence gene cut with XhoⅠ and KpnⅠ was linked with pK-S to construct hairpin structure.The fragment including intron,the sense and antisence gene was cut by Not Ⅰ,and was inserted into pART27 to construct plant transformation vector.Then the promoter CaMV 35S driven,containing Sense eIF4E gene target fragments-pdk intron-Antisence eIF4E gene target fragments,tobacco RNAi expression vector were constructed based on the intermediate vector pKANNIBAL and expression vector pART27.The vector could be applied in transgenic breeding engineering for plant viral resistance.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin