The genus Sacculogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973 is reported for the first time from China, a new species of this genus, S. suiyangensis sp. nov., from Kuankuoshui National Nature Reserve in Suiyang County of Guizhou Province, is described. This new species is characterized by the short interlamellar setae or absent; slightly fusiform sensillus; distinct notogastral setae; small and rounded area porosa postanalis (Ap). A table for distinguishing the known species and new one in the genus is provided.
首次报道囊大翼甲螨属Sacculogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973在我国分布,并记述了该属采自贵州省绥阳县宽阔水国家级自然保护区的1新种:绥阳囊大翼甲螨 Sacculogalumna suiyangensis sp. nov.。该新种的主要区别特征为:梁间毛短或缺失;感器细长,光滑,感器头微微膨大,呈纺锤状;后背板毛明显;肛后孔区小,圆形。附有该新种与该属其他种类的区别对照表。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。