
呈现方式和任务导向对网络广告受众的眼动影响 被引量:2

The Effect of Presentation Manner and Navigation Style on Consumers' Attention to Web-ads:An Eye Movement Study
摘要 考察呈现方式和任务导向对网络广告受众注意的影响。研究采用2(呈现方式:动态切换、静态)×2(任务导向:目标、非目标)的被试间设计。结果发现:(1)被试对动态广告和静态广告的注视次数及注视时间均无显著差异;(2)非目标导向的被试对网络广告的注视次数及注视时间均显著多于目标导向的被试;(3)相比于认知评价法,眼动分析法对网络广告效果的评估更为精细准确。研究表明,网络广告受众注意受任务导向的影响,而不受呈现方式的影响。 To investigate effects of the presentation manner and navigation style on consumers visual attention to the Web-ads, a two-factor between-subjects design of 2 (presentation manner: animated, static)×2 (naviga- tion style: goal-directed, aimless browsing) was used in the study. The results were as follows: (1) The main effect of the presentation manner was not significant on both the fixation times and fixation duration of the subjects; (2) The fixation times of subjects from the aimless browsing group were much higher than the ones of subjects from the goal-directed group, and the fixation duration of the former was also longer. (3) The eye-tracking method was more accurate than the recognition test for evaluating the effectiveness of Web-ads. It's concluded that consumers" visual attention to the Web-ads is affected by the navigation style rather than the presentation manner.
作者 于洋 张智君
出处 《人类工效学》 2012年第2期23-26,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
关键词 网络广告 受众注意 分众传媒 任务导向 Web-ads consumers' visual attention focus mediai navigation style
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