2008年,在全球金融风暴肆虐之时,宝泽金融集团(AIMS Financial Group)收购了Australia Pacific Exchange,并将其更名为Asia Pacific Stock Exchange(亚太证券交易所),简称"APX(亚太证交所)"。今年年底,亚太证交所将推出第一批上市公司,并为澳洲及其他亚洲企业在该交易所上市提供便捷的交易平台。亚太证交所的优势何在?中国企业通过这个交易平台可以得到哪些国家、地区交易所所没有的便利服务?为此,《国际融资》记者独家专访了亚太证券交易所首席运营官David Lawrence先生及亚太证券交易所母公司宝泽金融集团(AIMS Financial Group)
AIMS Financial Group purchased Australia Pacific Exchange in 2008 when the global financial crisis spoiled the world,and Asia Pacific Stock Exchange(APX) appeared after that.APX will produce its first public companies and provide trade plat for enterprises from Australia and Asia by the end of 2012.What isthe advantage of APX? What particular services will China's enterprises gainthrough the plat? To know the answers,our reporter interviewed Mr.David Lawrence,COO of APX,and Mr.Wang Renqing,president and CEO of AIMS Financial Group.
International Financing