
6株肠艾美耳球虫繁殖力的比较研究 被引量:1

Comparative Study on the Fecundity of Six Geographical Strains of Eimeria intestinalis
摘要 [目的]为肠艾美耳球虫的早熟选育及兔球虫疫苗的研制提供理论依据。[方法]采用6个不同地区肠艾美耳球虫的孢子化卵囊经口接种45日龄无球虫兔,接种剂量为1×104个卵囊/只,并对6株肠艾美耳球虫的繁殖力进行比较。[结果]衡水株排卵量最多,张家口株次之,胶南株排卵量最少。睢宁株的排卵量接近胶南株,如皋株、通江株相近,在感染后第8.5~9天均有排卵,各虫株的排卵高峰期相似,第13天排卵量达到峰值,第21天接近0。[结论]不同地理株肠艾美耳球虫的排卵量不同,但排卵高峰相一致。 [Objective] The research aimed to provide theoretical basis for selecting precocious lines of Eimeria intestinalis and developing vaccine of rabbit coccidian.[Method] Each 45-day-old free-coccidian rabbit was orally inoculated with 1×104 sporulated oocysts of E.tenella from six different areas.And the fecundity of six strains of E.tenella was compared.[Result] The total oocyst output of Hengshui strains was the highest,followed by Zhangjiakou strains,and that of Jiaonan strains was the lowest.The total oocyst output of Suining strains were similar to that of Rugao strains and Tongjiang strains.The ovulation was all found on the 8.5th-9th day after infection,and the ovulation peak of the strains were similar.The total oocyst output reached the peak on the 13th day and tended to zero on the 21st day.[Conclusion] Oocyst output of different geographic strains were different,but the ovulation peak was identical.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第19期10151-10152,10177,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家兔产业技术体系项目(nycytx-44) 张家口市科技局资助项目(1012004C-1)
关键词 肠艾美耳球虫 繁殖力 显露期 Rabbit Eimeria intestinalis Reproducibility Patent period
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