随着节能减排与能源高效利用的不断推进,基于能源综合利用的多能源联供系统解决了多种能源的供应问题,是供能技术发展的方向和趋势.结合目前相继出台的排污权交易(Emission Trading)机制,提出排污权交易下的多能源联供系统优化调度方式.首先分析完全竞争和寡头竞争市场模式下的排污权交易价格,通过理论分析获得多能源联供系统的排污权交易成本的数学期望.在此基础上,以系统成本最小为目标,考虑供需平衡约束以及能源平衡约束,提出多能源联供系统的优化调度模型,并运用非线性原-对偶内点算法求解该模型.最后,以具有热电联供特征的广东理文造纸有限公司为例说明所提出的优化调度方式的有效性和可行性.
With the continuous promotion of energy-saving and ejection-decreasing, the multi-en- ergy supply system based on comprehensive utilization solved the multiple energy supply problem, which is the development trend of energy technology. According to the currently emissions trading mechanism, an optimal dispatch mode of the multi-energy supply system was proposed in this paper. Emissions trading price was analyzed under the perfect competition and oligopoly market modes. Moreover, the mathematical expectation of emissions trading costs of the multi- energy supply system was obtained by theoretical analysis with considering the uncertainty of the price of emission allowance. Then, taking the energy balancing and supply-demand balancing constraints into account, the optimization model for multi-energy supply system was presented to minimize the total cost of the system, and further the nonlinear primal-dual interior point algorithm was used to solve this model. Finally, case studies of Guangdong Lee & Man Paper manufacturing Co. Ltd. illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed optimal dispatch mode of the multi-energy supply system.
Journal of Electric Power Science And Technology
multi-energy supply system
emissions trading
optimal dispatch
primal-dual interior point algorithm