
七氟烷吸入麻醉对大鼠青光眼造模眼眼压的影响 被引量:2

Effects of sevoflurane on intraocular pressure in elevated intraocular pressure rat model
摘要 目的研究吸入麻醉药七氟烷对磁性微球前房注射诱导实验性大鼠青光眼造模眼和正常眼眼压(IOP)的影响。方法雄性8~10周挪威褐鼠6只,进行2周清醒状态下IOP测量训练后,采用磁性微球前房注射方法诱导实验性青光眼,右眼为青光眼造模眼,左眼为自身对照眼,研究吸入麻醉药七氟烷麻醉对造模眼和对照眼IOP的影响。结果七氟烷可明显降低造模眼和对照眼的IOP,麻醉平稳后造模眼IOP最大降低幅度为52.6%(t=20.61),对照眼最大降低幅度为37.5%(t=4.98),造模眼降低的程度明显大于对照眼。造模眼IOP在大鼠苏醒后仍低于基础值,差异有统计学意义,而对照眼IOP在苏醒后即恢复至接近基础值。结论七氟烷吸入麻醉可以显著降低大鼠IOP,其中青光眼造模眼的下降幅度更为显著,持续时间更长。该结果提示在对先天性青光眼患儿使用七氟烷全身麻醉下检查时,应充分考虑到该药物降低IOP的作用。 Objective To investigate the effects of sevoflurane on the intraocular pressure (IOP) of both normal rat and elevated lOP rat model. Methods Six male Brown Norway rats were first trained for measurement of awake IOP and then the elevated IOP model was generated by microbeads injection into the anterior chamber of the right eye. The left eye was saved as the control eye. The rats were anesthetized with sevoflurane and before the IOP of both eyes were measured. Results Sevoflurane reduced the IOP of both control eyes and model eyes. The extent of decrease was greater in the model eyes. The IOP of the model eyes decreased by 52.6% (t = 20.61 ) while the reduction of IOP in normal eyes was 37.5% (t =4.98) after sevoflurane anesthesia. IOP returned to the base value in normal eyes but not in model eyes after the rats recovered from anesthesia. Conclusions Sevoflurane can reduce the IOP of both normal and IOP ele- vated eyes. The lOP reduction effect on the IOP elevated eyes is greater and longer lasting than that on the normal eyes. ( Chin J Ophthalmol and Otorhinolaryngo1,2012,12:205-208)
出处 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2012年第4期205-208,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
关键词 七氟烷 青光眼 眼压 Sevoflurane Glaucoma Intraocular pressure
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