
核聚变掺杂石墨第一壁材料连接优化分析 被引量:1

Optimization of mechanically jointed doped graphite/copper plasma facing components
摘要 介绍核聚变实验装置掺杂石墨第一壁材料的两种机械连接方法,通过电子束热负荷实验及ANSYS有限元分析评价两种连接方式传热效果的差异。结果表明,两种连接方式传热效果相当,在4 MW/m2功率密度下表面最高温度约为1 055℃。ANSYS分析结果与实验结果有较高的一致性,但是由于螺钉固定区域散热较差,此处温度最高达到2 000℃。对于功率密度低于4 MW/m2的区域,掺杂石墨第一壁材料采用第二种方式连接较为合适;对于较高热负荷功率密度沉积的区域或者聚变实验装置,发展先进第一壁材料及连接方法十分必要。 Two kinds of mechanically jointed graphite/copper structures were introduced, and their heat transfer performances were evaluated by means of electron beam facility and ANSYS finite element analysis. The results show that the temperature differences of two joints are not significant, and the maximum surface temperature is about 1 055 ℃ at 4 MW/m2, which has a good agreement with the numerical simulation results by ANSYS. Due to its poor heat transfer, the screw-fastened region appears the higher temperature, especially for Joint_l, it reachs about 2 000 ℃. It' s indicated that Joint_2 could be more suitable to the heat flux region of less than 4 MW/m2. But under the higher heat flux, both of them are un-acceptable, an advanced plasma facing component has to be developed.
作者 种法力
机构地区 徐州工程学院
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期12-15,共4页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
基金 徐州工程学院青年项目(XKY2011202)
关键词 石墨 第一壁材料 数值模拟 graphite plasma facing component numerical simulation
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