前不久,法雷奥展示了五项汽车创新技术.旨在减少油耗的同时使驾车体验更加愉悦。停车和操控:Park4U 近年来,停车辅助系统已成为最受欢迎的创新技术之一。法雷奥是第一个向市场推出该功能的供应商:2007年,停车辅助系统首次出现在中级车上。第二代停车辅助系统更加先进,横向车位两端只要有40cm的空间,它就可通过多次“前进一后退”操作,使汽车很好地停入车位。纵向车位也可以通过该系统准确停入车位。此外,停车辅助系统系统可以自动计算退出空间所需的操控。
Not long ago, Valeo exhibit five items of auto innovation technologies such as auto parking and control & operation, air inlet module of gasoline & diesel engine, anti-dizzy LED far-lighting system, solution for economic mixed power drive and dry type of double clutch transmission device, aiming at cutting down oil consumption as well as adding more pleasure for driving experience.
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