目的总结poppen入路手术切除松果体区肿瘤的经验和效果。方法 2005年6月至2010年12月收治松果体区肿瘤患者17例,其中生殖细胞瘤患者4例,松果体细胞瘤患者2例,室管膜瘤患者2例,脑膜瘤患者9例,均采用poppen入路手术治疗。结果 17例患者中肿瘤全切除12例,次全切除4例,1例因肿瘤出血较多,仅做部分切除。术后1例出现偏盲,1例脑积水。无手术死亡病例。结论 Poppen入路是松果体区肿瘤,尤其是这一区域脑膜瘤手术的较好入路之一,可以取得良好的治疗效果。
Objective To summarize the experience in treating pineal region tumors by microsurgery via poppen approach.Method The clinical data of 17 patients of pineal region tumors who underwent microsurgery via poppen approach from June,2005 to December,2010 were analyzed retrospectively.Of 17 patients,4 had germinomas,2 pinealocytomas,2 ependymomas and 9 meningiomas.Results Of 17 patients with pineal region tumors,12 underwent total resection of the tumors,4 subtotal resection and 1 partial resection due to a lot of tumorous hemorrhage.The postoperative complications included hemianopsia produced by operative side injury to the occipital lobe in 1 patient and hydrocephalus in 1 patient.Conclusion The curative effect of microsurgery via popper approach on the pineal region tumors is good.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery