Objective Our objective is to explore the methods and effects of application of Follicular Unit transplantation in repairing hair loss. Methods During the operation, we cut the dominant donor site of occipital scalp and converted into follicular unit grafts containing 1 to 4 hairs with tumescence anesthetic. And then, all the follicular units grafts prepared for transplantation were stored into 4℃ chilled saline solution. After tumescence anesthetic or field nerve block, we began to transplant using 18 to 21 gauge needles and micro-forceps by stick-and-place technique in different angles and orientations. Last, we protect the recipient site with pressure bandage. Results From 2005 to 2010, 11 cases with different kinds of hair loss were repaired by follicular unit transplantation. The hair survival is good in 11 cases which were followed up 6 months to 1 year after operation. The appearance of recipient site is nearly the same to natural and donor site scar is not notable. Conclusion The hair appearance after operation is close to the natural. Follicular unit transplantation is a superior method contrast to traditional methods in hair loss repairing.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
follicular units transplantation hair loss repairing