目的:研究耳部部分裂窝管的正常CT表现。方法:通过64排螺旋CT扫描,以横轴位和矢状位互相结合对33侧正常耳进行研究。结果:岩鼓裂和鼓鳞裂有内外部之分,前者内外部相通,矢状位呈现弧线状;外鼓鳞裂横轴位近似三角形,矢状位近似牛角形;成人岩鳞裂呈细线状;内鼓鳞裂、岩鼓裂和岩鳞裂三者横轴位近似横置的Y形结构;鼓索隆起内后鼓索小管呈短细线状;砧骨窝深约1.5 mm左右,包含砧骨短脚尖和砧骨后韧带,横轴位近似楔形;镫骨肌管通过镫骨肌神经管与面神经管相连,分为乳突段和锥隆起段,乳突段横轴位近似圆形,锥隆起段近似弧带状。结论:64排螺旋CT能满意地显示耳部裂窝管。
Objective: To explore normal CT appearances of fissura fossa canal in the aural region. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three normal ears were investigated by axial and sagittal views on multi-slice CT. Results: Both fissura petrotympanica and fissura tympanosquamosa were divided into external and internal parts. The external part of fissura petrotympanica communicated with the internal part and showed a curved linear form. The extemal part of fissura ty- panosquamosa approximated a triangular shape in the axial view and corniform shape in the sagittal view. The fissura pet- rosquamosa of adults showed thread like appearance. All of the three fissuras, the internal fissura tympanosquamosa, fissura petrotympanica and fissura petrosquamosa, showed a transverse Y shape structure. The posterior canal of chorda tmpani in eminence chorda tympani showed short thread form. Fossa of incus included short erus of incus and posterior ligament of in- cus, the depth was about 1.5 mm, showed a wedge shape in axial view. Stapedius duct connected with facial canal through stapedial nerve duct, it was divided into mastoid segment and eminentia pyramidalis segment, the former approximated a round shape in axial view, and the latter showed an arc-like girdle shape. Conclusion: Sixty-four row spiral CT can disclose fissure fossa canal in the aural region satisfactorily.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging