目的:建立HPLC-ESI-MS法测定中成药制剂抗风湿药中有可能非法添加地塞米松、醋酸地塞米松、醋酸氢化泼尼松、醋酸氟氢松、氢化可的松、醋酸泼尼松等6种常用肾上腺糖皮质激素类化学药成分。方法:采用液质联用技术测定。色谱条件:Thermo ODS HYPERSIL(2.1μm×150mm,5μm)色谱柱,以乙腈-水梯度洗脱,检测波长240nm,流速0.2mL·min-1,进样量20μL;质谱条件:离子源为电喷雾离子化源(ESI源),源喷雾电压4500v,加热毛细管温度270℃,鞘气(N2)10,辅气(N2)20,正离子方式检测,扫描方式为一级全扫描、二级全扫描质谱,扫描范围150~550,扫描时间为0.129s。结果:根据检测到的化合物的色谱保留时间及一级、二级质谱信息,并与对照品比较,可作为分析检测中药制剂中非法添加上述6种肾上腺糖皮质激素类化学药的有效手段。结论:该检测方法选择性强,灵敏度高,定性准确。
Objectlve:To establish a HPLC -ESI -MS method for identification of 6 kinds of conu, non corticostemids ille- gally added to Chinese medicines. Methods:This analysis was performed by a LC -MS/MS system. The HPLC chromatographic determinations were using Thermo ODS HYPERSIL(2. 1μm×150mm,5μm)column, Gadient elution is done with water and ace- tonitrile. The flow rate was 0. 2ml·min -1 with detection wavelength at 240nm. The mass spectrometer condition were as follow: the ionltion mode was ESI + ,the mode was mass scan ang daughter scan, compar/ng with retention time and spectra of references in library set up by ourselves, and the target compounds in sample were screened and identified. Results:Prednisone etc. was detected in samples. Conclusion :The developed method is accurate, sensitive and applicable to identify them.
Heilongjiang Medicine journal