
福州动物园动物高水平耐庆大霉素肠球菌耐药表型检测 被引量:1

Detection of Resistant Phenotype of High-level Gentamicin-resistant Enterococcus from Fuzhou Zoo Animals
摘要 为了解福州动物园动物细菌耐药现状,选用肠球菌为指示菌,采用琼脂平板筛选法(ADSP法)筛选高水平耐庆大霉素肠球菌(HLGRE)。根据美国临床实验室标准化协会(CLSI)推荐的微量肉汤稀释法测定耐药菌株对6种抗菌药物的耐药性,用PCR法对分离出的不同来源的高水平耐氨基糖苷类肠球菌进行菌种鉴定。从动物园圈养野生动物共分离出78株HLGRE,不同动物来源的分离率不同,其中草食动物HLGRE分离率最低,占55.56%;肉食动物HLGRE分离率最高,占84.38%。药敏试验结果显示,不同动物来源的HLGRE均对红霉素和土霉素的耐药率最高,分别为100%和96.1%,对氨苄西林和万古霉素的耐药率最低。 To explore the resistance of bacteria from Fuzhou animal zoo to antimicrobials, Enterococcus was used as directed bacteria and ADSP method was used to isolate high-level gentamicin-resistant Enterococus (HLGRE). A micro-broth-dilution method recommended by CLSI was used to test the susceptibility of Enterococcus to 6 kinds of antimicrobials. A PCR method was used to identify the HLGRE. The result showed that there were 78 strains of HLGRE isolated from a total 110 samples. The isolation ratio of HLGRE differed from different animals, which was lowest from herbivorous animals(55.56 %) and highest form carnivorous animals(84. 38 %). The result of an- timicrobial susceptibility test indicated that HLGRE from different animal sources showed highest resistant ratio to ERY and OTC, which was 100% and 96.1% respectively, and the resistant ratio was low to AMP and VAN.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期122-125,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 福建省自然科学基金(2009J0101) 福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2008)
关键词 庆大霉素高水平耐药 动物园动物 耐药表型 Enterococcus high-level gentamicin-resistance zoo animal resistant phenotype
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