

The Dilemma and Its Outlet of China's East Asian Geopolitical Strategic after "Cheonan Incident"
摘要 2010年3月的"天安号事件"后,中国东亚地缘战略陷入困境,如何突破这种困境成为学术界共同关注的问题。鉴于韩国经济对中国的高度依赖、中韩两国的文化认同、美日韩三边关系存在的不稳定因素以及美韩两国对朝鲜半岛未来走向定位的差异性等多维原因,我们可将韩国作为中国东亚地缘战略困境的突破口。在对韩战略上,我们应以"经济外溢"、平等协商、文化交流与合作以及增进两国的政治互信为途径,通过中韩关系的改善实现对"围堵链条"的突破,从而为中国走出东亚地缘战略的困境找到出路。 After the "Cheonan incident" in March 2010, China' s East Asian geopolitical strategy got into trouble. How to break through the predicament becomes the academic issues of common concern. In the view of multidimensional reasons, such as the high dependence of Korean economy on China, the cultural identity be- tween China and South Korea, the instable factors of US-Japan-Korean trilateral relations, and the positioning differences of the future of Korean Peninsula between U. S. and South Korean, the author thinks that we can make Korea as breakthrough to China' s East Asian geo-strategic dilemma. On the strategy in Korea, we should take economic spillover, equal consultation, cultural exchanges and cooperation and the improvement of bilater- al political mutual trust as a way, and enhance the relationship between South Korea and China by a break- through on the containment chain, so that we can find a way for China to go out of the plight of the East Asian geo-strategic.
作者 刘勃然
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期84-88,共5页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
关键词 天安号事件 中国 东亚 地缘战略 困境 出路 战略选择 Cheonan Incident China East asia Geopolitical strategy Dilemma Outlet Strategic choice
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