
云计算的目标、架构及实现机制解析 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Goal,Structure and Realization Mechanism of Cloud Computing
摘要 从IT基本常识出发对云计算的目标、架构和实现机制做一简单梳理与解析.云计算是信息社会发展的客观需要,其目标是实现IT资源的充分有效利用;当前主流云计算解决方案都有资源层、平台层与应用层的技术架构;虚拟化、海量数据分布式存储管理、分布式计算、Web2.0等IT新技术形成了云计算的实现机制. This paper gives an overview and analysis of the goal y structure and realization mechanism of cloud computing based on the general knowledge of IT. Cloud computing is the objective need of information society, and its goal is to realize the full and effective utilization of IT resources. The current mainstream cloud computing solution is comprised of three - layer technical frameworks: infrastructure, platform and application. The new techniques such as virtualization, mass data distribution storage management, distributed computing and Web2.0 constitute the realization mechanism of cloud computing.
作者 魏建琳
出处 《西安文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期88-91,共4页 Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 云计算 IT IAAS PAAS SAAS 虚拟化 cloud computing IT IaaS PaaS SaaS virtualization
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