
幼儿焦虑与气质、家庭环境的关系 被引量:25

Relationship Among Preschoolers' Anxiety,Temperament,and Family Environment
摘要 目的 :探讨幼儿气质、家庭环境与幼儿焦虑之间的关系。方法 :从两所普通幼儿园中抽取300名幼儿,以Spence学前儿童焦虑量表(父母报告)的中文修订版、NYLS 3-7岁幼儿气质问卷和家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV)为研究工具,对幼儿的母亲进行测查。结果:①3-6岁幼儿的焦虑水平随年龄增长呈逐渐下降趋势;②幼儿气质中的规律性、趋避性和适应度与幼儿焦虑均存在显著负相关,反应强度与幼儿焦虑存在显著正相关;③家庭环境的亲密度因子与幼儿焦虑存在显著负相关,矛盾性、成功性和控制性三因子与幼儿焦虑存在显著正相关;④在亲密度较低的家庭环境中,适应度较低或趋避性较低的幼儿焦虑问题相对较多,适应度或趋避性高的幼儿焦虑问题会相对较少;在亲密度高的家庭环境中,三种适应度类型幼儿和三种趋避性类型幼儿产生的焦虑问题没有差异。结论:幼儿焦虑与其气质和家庭环境之间存在密切关系且家庭的亲密度能够缓冲气质对幼儿焦虑的影响。 Objective: To explore the relationship among preschoolers’ anxiety,temperament,and family environment.Methods: 300 mothers of preschoolers were assessed by Preschool Anxiety Scale,NYLS Temperament Questionnaire,and Family Environment Scale.Results: 3-6-year-old children’s anxiety gradually decreased with age.Rhythmicity,withdrawal and adaptability in preschooler’s temperament had negative correlations with children’s anxiety,while intensity of reaction had positive correlations with children’s anxiety.Cohesion in family environment had negative correlations with children’s anxiety,but conflict,achievement orientation and control had positive correlations with children’s anxiety.In the low cohesion family,the lower children’s adaptability and withdrawal was,the higher children’s anxiety disorders were,but the higher children’s adaptability and withdrawal was,the lower the children’s anxiety disorders were.In the high cohesion family,the children’s anxiety disorders of three adaptability types and three withdrawal types were not different.Conclusion: There is a close relationship among preschoolers’ anxiety,temperament,and family environment,and the cohension of family environment could moderate the effects of temperament on preschoolers’ anxiety.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期371-373,397,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 全国教育科学十一五规划教育部重点项目(DBA080166)资助
关键词 幼儿 焦虑 气质 家庭环境 Preschooler Anxiety disorder Temperament Family environment
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