

International Practice of the Measurement and Estimation of Tax Gap:The Cases of the EU and the USA
摘要 本文对国际上目前采用的税收缺口测算的主要方法,即自上而下法和自下而上法做了介绍,并系统比较了两类方法的适用环境和各自的优劣,同时分别给出了国际上用这两类方法测算的两个具体实例,最后,总结了国外税收缺口测算实践的特点,并给出了我国目前进行税收缺口测算的几点建议。 This paper first introduces two main methods of tax gap's measurement and estimation worldwide: from top to down method and from down to top method, and then compares two methods sys- tematically from the perspectives of applicable en- vironment and their respective advantages and disadvantages; and meanwhile, the two methods are demonstrated with two examples respectively worldwide. Finally, the paper summarizes charac- teristics of practice on measurement and estimation of tax gap in foreign countries and puts forward some suggestions on the estimation of tax gap in China.
出处 《涉外税务》 北大核心 2012年第7期30-36,共7页 International Taxation In China
基金 国家税务总局"基于微观的中国税收流失分析理论 测算和应用研究"项目的阶段性研究成果
关键词 税收缺口 测算 影响因素 Tax gap Measurement Influ-ence factor
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