利用黑麦幼苗法测定了西安污水厂污泥施用于土壤中重金属总量及有效性的变化 ,探讨施用于土壤的可能性。结果表明 ,除Pb、茎Cu、Ni外 ,Cd、Cu、Zn、Ni的含量均随污泥施用量的增大而增大 ,除Pb、茎Cu、Ni外 ,其余均与污泥施用量呈显著、极显著相关 ;从有效性结果可以看出 ,有效性的大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb,由地下部向地上部转移比例最高的是Cu ,其次为Zn>Cd>Ni>Pb ;污泥施用于土壤后,Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni的生物有效性随施用量、植物的部位的不同而不同。比较食品卫生标准 。
Utilization of bioavailability (HMB) as index may provide valuable foundation in controlling pollution of heavy metals. The present research was aiming at the possibility of treated sludge from Xian Sewage Treatment Plant on loam soil by determining the dynamics of HMB and heavy metal total amounts both using rye seedling method. The results showed that the amount of Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni absorbed by rye seedling increased with the enhancement of sludge applied on loam soil. It was found that all 5 heavy metals in stem, root and whole seedling, except Pb, and Cu, Ni in stem, had either good or significant correlation with the amount of sewage sludge applied on loam soil. The order of HMB was in Cd>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb, while sequence of proportion transferred from root to stem was Cu>Zn>Cd>Ni>Pb.
Agro-Environmental Protection