《气候变化框架公约》的履行影响着许多国家的能源政策 ,这对我国能源性初级产品和能耗高的机电产品的出口将产生一定的冲击。历次缔约方会议提出了共同执行活动、联合履约和清洁发展机制 ,所实行的碳贸易对我国经贸发展和环境保护具有积极的重大影响。
The implement of Framework Convention on Climate Change(hereinafter referred to as Convention)affects power policies of many countries,which has some impacts on the export of elementary power products and high power-consuming machinery and electric products in China.In meetings AIJ,JI &CDM,were brought up,which international carbon emission transaction was executed and positively affected the economy and trade development and environment protection of China.
World Environment