4Ministerial Conferenee, Singapore Ministerial Declaration, adopted on 13 December 1996, WT/MIN (96)/DEC, dated 18 December1996, para. 4.
5Richard, N. Haass, Former Ambassador and Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State, "Sovereignty: Existing Rights, Evolving Responsibilities", Remarks at the School of Foreign Service and the Mortara Center for International Studies, Georgetown University, at 2 ( Jan. 14, 2003 ).
6Kofi Annan, Annual Report to the General Assembly, September 1999, as quoted in "State, Sovereignty, and lntemational Governance(Gerald Kreijen et al eds. , 2002), p. 19.
7The Future of the WTO : Report by the Consultative Board to Director - General, para. 143.
8Peter Van den Bossehe 2005, p. 694.
9Committee on Trade and Development, Implementation of Special and Differential Treatment Provisions in WTO Agreements and Decisions,Note by the WTO Secretariat, WT/COMTD/W/77/Rev. 1, dated 21 September 2001, para. 3.
10http ://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/devel_e/dev_special_differential_provisions_e, htm, visited on 11 August 2010.