

The physics at a super Z-factory
摘要 本文在调查研究和理论分析的基础上,对超级Z-工厂上可开展的特色高能物理实验做了归纳和小结.文章指出超级Z-工厂中可以开展许多科学意义重要、别处不可替代的高能物理实验,归纳下来在下列四个方面具有突出优势:i)Z-玻色子性质的精确测量,寻找与Z-玻色子有关的稀有过程的实验研究;ii)韬(τ)轻子性质,寻找与韬轻子有关的稀有过程和发现关系到韬轻子和/或Z-玻色子的CP破坏(肯定与CKM矩阵相因子无直接联系)的实验研究;iii)重味和双重味强子的性质,其激发态质谱,奇异重味强子等的实验研究;iv)通过测量喷注形状直接测量QCD耦合常数αs(m2Z),测定重味夸克和胶子到重味强子和双重味强子的碎裂函数,检验非微扰碎裂模型理论等的实验研究.另外,由于建造超级Z-工厂可以作为我国加速器高能实验物理未来基地规划中的一个选项,国内同行已经完成了相关的学术研究论文14篇,并已汇集成题为"超级Z-玻色子工厂物理"的专辑,发表在SciChina-Phys Mech Astron上,2010年11月份的53卷11期中.本文对这14篇论文做扼要概述,同时也做了一些补充. Based on wide surveying and theoretical investigating, we outline and summarize the advantages to do experiments for high energy physics at a super Z-factory. It is pointed out here that there are four topics which are so important in physics and so properly in doing experiments at a super Z-factory and nowhere can compete it. The four topics are i) to study the properties of Z-boson very precisely and to search for rare processes relevant to Z-boson; ii) to study the properties of r lepton, to search for rare processes relevant to ^-lepton and the CP violations relevant Z-boson and/or r lepton which are not directly relevant to CKM phase certainly; iii) to study the spectroscopy and properties of the heavy flavor and double heavy flavor hadrons, including ground and excited states as well as exotic states; iv) to measure the coupling constant of QCD c^s(m2z), the fragmentation functions from a heavy quark or a gluon to a heavy hadron or a double heavy hadron, experimental test of the non-perturbative models for fragmentation etc. In addition, since to build a super Z-factory can be an option for Chinese future basis of high energy experimental physics, so Chinese high energy theoretical physicists have completed 14 articles on the physics at a super Z-factory and as a special issue published in Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy [Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 2010, 53: 1947-2036], thus here we review them briefly with some supplements.
作者 张肇西
出处 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期716-730,共15页 Scientia Sinica Physica,Mechanica & Astronomica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10875155 10847001) 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(编号:KJCX2.YW.W10)资助
关键词 超级Z-工厂 高能物理精确前沿 τ(韬)-轻子物理 重强子物理 super Z-factory, precision frontiers for high energy physics, T-lepton physics, heavy hadron physics
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