The adaptive management of the Colorado River in USA is well known worldwide. US government agencies and scientists have conducted three experiments on high-speed water flow to study the impacts of Glen Canyon Dana on the aquatic ecosystems in the lower reaches of the river. These experiments have not only generated significant ecological benefits, but accumulated a wealth of experience in this field. The research showed that the participation of stakeholders is the key to the success of these experiments institutionally, while monitoring and assessment provide strong technical support for the successful execution of such experiments, and dam adaptive regulation serves as an effective tool to protect and manage the river. China can learn a lot in terms of dam regulation from the execution processes and outcomes of the experiments on the Colorado River. Protecting the aquatic wildlife and wetland ecosystem in the lower reaches of a river should be integrated as one of the objectives of dana regulation. In addition, experiments and researches on dam adaptive regulation should be enhanced, and the relevant stakeholders should be more involved in the river protection and management.
Wetland Science & Management