
靶向治疗——渐行渐近 被引量:4

Molecular Targeted Therapy is Coming
摘要 靶向药物的出现是肿瘤治疗的一个重要进展。同传统化疗相比作用机制和副反应不同,针对肿瘤特殊靶点的治疗对正常组织的毒副反应轻微。10年来,由于靶向药物的出现,给肿瘤的治疗模式带来了重大变化。单克隆抗体和小分子化合物是两种主要的靶向药物。这些药物已经逐渐由晚期一线治疗走向辅助治疗甚至新辅助治疗。虽然目前还存在很多问题,面临很多困难,但是靶向治疗代表未来的发展方向,将为改善肿瘤患者的生存发挥无法估量的作用。 The development of targeted therapy is a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. The mechanisms of molecular targeted therapy differed from the traditional chemotherapy. The trerapy had more effective to patients with molecular target and less'toxicity to healthy tissue in the body. Distinct mechanisms of molecular targeted therapy had Significantly changed the treatment of cancer over the past 10 years. The two main types Of targeted therapy were monoclonal antibodies and small molecule inhlbitors. Targeted drugs had been gradually used from the first-line therapy of advanced cancer to adjuvant therapy or neo-adjuvant therapy. Although there were so many problems and difficulties, the future of targeted therapy will be brilliant. And the effect to improve the survival of cancer patients will be inestimable.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2012年第6期13-15,73,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 肿瘤 靶向治疗 tumor, molecular targeted therapy
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