

Classification and evolution of primary angle closure disease
摘要 原发性前房角关闭疾病的分类较为繁杂。传统分类以症状学为依据,较系统地演绎了其临床发展过程,但对于青光眼概念的界定不够清晰。国际地域性和眼科流行病学研究组(ISGEO)的分类系统而简洁,比较适合流行病学调查,但不能完全适用于临床。最近有学者将各种临床亚型和发病机制结合起来进行分类,即分为可疑原发性前房角关闭、原发性前房角关闭Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级等,有利于指导治疗。 Primary angle closure disease (PACD) has great variety of classifications and terminolo- gies. The traditional classification of PACD based on clinical presentation, is useful in allowing easy recogni-tion of the type of management necessary, but the definition is not clear. The classification developed by the International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology (ISGEO) was concise, especially helpful in epidemiologic surveys, but could not be widely used by the clinician. A new classification pro-posed recently has amalgamated all the clinically subtypes of PACD into a staging, such as PACD suspect, PACDⅠ, PACD Ⅱ , PACD Ⅲ, and it is helpful for treatment.
出处 《国际眼科纵览》 2012年第3期163-166,共4页 International Review of Ophthalmology
关键词 原发性前房角关闭疾病/分类 原发性闭角型青光眼 primary angle closure disease/classification primary angle closure glaucoma
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