Objective To improve the cognition of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in pregnant women. Methods By analyzing a case of pregnant women suffering from severe invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and liter- ature review, this paper summarized the clinical manifestation, imaging feature, diagnosis main point and treat- ment of severe pulmonary aspergillosis. Resolts A 27 years old pregnant woman suffering from cough, expectora- tion and dyspnoea with pyrexia was admitted in our hospital in April 18, 2011. The patient began to cough, expec- toration and dyspnoea 15 days before admitting (just one day before child bearing) with ardent fever. There was not any releasing when treated in local hospital with intensive antibiotics, instead the symptoms became progres- sively more severe, so the patient came to our hospital for proper management. When admitted in our hospital, the condition of this patient was very urgent, several cavities could be found in lung CT screenage. Aspergillus fumig- atus was characterized from patient sputum 5 times and Aspergillus fumigatus grew in cultivated liquid got from bronchofibroscope brush. Combined with active supplying treatment, voriconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B and caspofungin were applied for four months. The patient finally recovered from this severe pneumonia, with CT showing lung shadow disappearance and closed cavities. Conclusion With the coming of aging and immuno- suppressor, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is not very rare. However, there is not a report about pregnant women suffering from severe invasive pulmonary asporgillosis and is successfully saved. Here we have provided such a case.
China Practical Medicine
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
Pregnant woman