职业流行病学调查和动物毒理学实验表明 ,2 乙氧基乙醇 (EE)可引起生殖发育毒性、血液毒性和神经毒性。其毒代动力学特征表现为经呼吸道、皮肤同时吸收 ,且以后者为主 ,半衰期较长。EE的主要代谢产物为 2 乙氧基乙酸 (EAA) ,是导致生殖 /发育毒性的最终物质。EE的化学结构与甘氨酸类似 ,可选择性地竞争一碳单位合成 ,干扰了代谢旺盛的细胞组织系统 ,如性腺、血液、骨髓和神经等。本综述为我国开展安全性评价及健康危险度评估 ,制定车间空气中EE卫生标准和生物接触限值提供了科学依据。
The properties of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics showed the rapid rate and much extent of absorption through skin and inhalation,the later was main absorption route and half clean speed was longer.The main metabolite of EE is 2 ethoxyacetic acid(EAA),it is a terminal toxicant caused reproductive/developmental toxicity.Physiological materials (such as glycine etc)might be selectively competed with EAA and interrupted the synthesis of one carbon unit,because their chemical structure is similar.These responses mainly occurred in the cells,tissues and systems of active metabolism,e.g.sex glands,blood and born and nerves and so on.This review on toxicology and occupational hygiene criterion of EE will provide scientific basis for safety evaluation,health risk assessment and establishment of hygiene criterion for 2 ethoxyethanol at the air of workplace and its biological exposure indxes(BEI)of China.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine