
非物质文化遗产知识产权保护相关问题研究 被引量:9

Research on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Intangible Cultural Heritage
摘要 通过审视非物质文化遗产的本质,并结合广东非物质文化遗产知识产权保护的实践,分析了目前我国非物质文化遗产知识产权保护存在的一些问题。在深入研究与非物质文化遗产相关的知识产权具体制度和理论,并借鉴国外已有的相关经验后认为,应采取建立统一的保护组织、摸清遗产家底、确定保护重点、加强保护单位和传承人队伍的建设、在基层建立起保护机制、分类指导保护工作等工作措施,以加强非物质文化遗产的法律保护;就保护模式而言,应采用知识产权综合保护模式,适时出台非物质文化遗产知识产权保护的法规或者指导意见,以建立和完善我国非物质文化遗产知识产权保护制度。 Through the survey on the nature of intangible cultural heritage and the combination with the protec- tion activities of the intangible cultural heritage in Guangdong, this paper made an analysis of current problems about China's intellectual property rights protection of the intangible cultural heritage. Through the in-depth study on some specific intellectual property rights systems and theories related to the intangible cultural heritage and learning from overseas experience, some suggestions are made as follows: establishing a unified protection organization, getting familiar with family property, determining the key protection of heritage, strengthening the construction of protection organizations and successors, setting up protection mechanism in grassroots level and classification guidance measures in order to strengthen the legal protection of intangible cultural heritage. As to the protection mode, this paper suggests that a comprehensive protection system of intellectual property rights should be used, and regulations or policies on China' s intellectual property rights protection of intangible cultur- al heritage should be timely put forward.
作者 王平
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期51-58,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 广东省知识产权局软科学研究计划项目(GDIP2010-C05)
关键词 非物质文化遗产 知识产权 保护 研究 intangible cultural heritage intellectual property rights protection research
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