
影响电信运营商经济增加值的作用因素实证研究 被引量:1

Empirical Study on the Factors of Economic Value Added of Telecom Operators
摘要 无形产品的服务特性对电信运营商经济增加值(EVA)具有特殊影响。本文研究了影响电信运营商EVA的作用因素,并进一步分析和展现了这些作用因素与EVA间的关系及其内在影响机制。旨在说明对于电信运营商而言,需要将关注重点逐步从数量及扩张适度转移到企业质量和效益的提升上,以此带动企业价值的创造。 This paper studies the factors of economic value added(EVA) of telecom operators,further analyzes these factors and shows the relationship between EVA and internal impact mechanism.This paper uses 14well-known international telecom operators as a research sample with 223 sets of data,and takes factor analysis,structural equation modeling as experimental tool.The final conclusion of this study points out,for the telecom operators,operational skills,management ability,risk-resistance ability,are the three most important factors to affect EVA.These factors positively affect the telecom operators' value creation,and by contrast,enterprise size and business expansion speed of EVA for telecom operators is not significant.Conclusions of this study show that for the telecom operators,focus should be gradually shifted from number and the expansion of the enterprise to enhancement of the quality and efficiency,promoting the creation of enterprise value.
作者 李峰 忻展红
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期65-71,106,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 电信运营 经济增加值 影响因素 telecom operation economic value added factors
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