目的探讨糖尿病足中医症候特点。方法观察空军总医院内分泌科、中医科2011年3月至2011年10月收治住院糖尿病足患者127例,根据中医诊断学理论,制定中医症候量表调查问卷,对患者进行中医症候调查,收集全身及局部症状,并进行辨证分析。结果 127例糖尿病足患者中湿性坏疽有71例(55.9%)、混合性坏疽有48例(37.8%)、干性坏疽有8例(6.3%)。湿性坏疽患者常见症状为口燥咽干(53.52%)、口渴多饮(47.89%)、神疲乏力(42.25%)等,混合性坏疽患者常见症状为神疲乏力(52.08%)、口燥咽干(45.83%)、大便干燥(43.75%)等,干性坏疽患者常见症状为神疲乏力(5%)、失眠(50%)、气短(50%)等。结论糖尿病足总属本虚标实,空军总医院127例糖尿病足患者中,湿性坏疽以阴虚证为主兼气虚证,混合性坏疽以气虚证为主兼阴虚证,干性坏疽以气虚证为主兼血虚证,并且气虚证、阴虚证、血虚证、阳虚证多相参出现,可表现为气阴两虚、气血亏虚、气血阴阳俱虚证等,标实以燥热、血瘀为主。
Objective To investigate the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) symptoms in diabetic foot patients. Methods The diabetic foot of 127 patients who were hospitalized in the department of endocrinology and the department of traditional chinese medicine of the air force general hospital from March to October, 2011, were observed. According to diagnosis of TCM, enact questionnaire of TCM symptoms. Then collect the constitutional symptom and the local symptom and analyze the different patterns. Results There are humid gangrene in 71 patient (55.9%), mixed gangrene in 48 (37.8%) and dry gangrene in 8 (6.3%) in the 127 patients of diabetic foot. The symptoms mostly often revealed in patients of humid gangrene were dry mouth and pharynx (53.52%), thirsty and prefer drinks (47.89%), lassitude (42.25%). The symptoms mostly often revealed in patients of mixed gangrene were lassitude (52.08%) dry mouth and pharynx (45.83%) constipation (43.75%). The symptoms mostly often revealed in patients of dry gangrene were lassitude (75%), sleeplessness (50%), short breath (50%). Conclusion The mechanism of diabetic foot is health qi deficiency and excess of pathogen. The humid gangrene was yin deficiency with qi deficiency. The mixed gangrene mainly was qi deficiency with yin deficiency. The dry gangrene mainly was qi deficiency with blood deficiency. And the qi deficiency yin deficiency blood deficiency and yang deficiency were cohere appearance. Excess of pathogen were dryness-heat and blood stasis.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
Diabetic foot
TCM syndromes
TCM pattern of syndrome