

Performances of Biohydrogen Production and Characteristics of Bacterial Community in Anaerobic Digester of Activated Sludge
摘要 目的探讨产氢效能与微生物种群间的关系,为产氢工艺的优化提供理论指导.方法经碱处理后的剩余污泥为研究对象,分别设置3种典型的pH条件(酸性5.0、中性7.0、碱性11.0),研究剩余污泥发酵产氢量、底物降解情况以及产氢过程中微生物种群的演替规律.结果碱性条件下的产氢量最大可以达到14.4 mL/g.变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)图谱显示出,碱性条件下典型的产氢菌属主要有Clostridium sp.、Enterococcus durans、Eubacterium sp..结论碱性条件下的产氢可能主要与蛋白质的降解关系最密切,同时Eubacterium sp.只在碱性发酵装置中存在,推断是导致产氢量差异的重要原因. This study investigated the hydrogen-producing performances of alkaline pretreated sludge and structure of bacterial community, and discussed the relationship between the performances and succession of bacterial community. It could further provide theoretical guidance for hydrogen-producing process. Taking al- kaline pretreated sludge as seed sludge, the effects of three different pH conditions ( acidic pH of 5.0, neutral pH of 7.0, and alkaline pH of 11.0) on hydrogen production, degradation of complex organics, and succes- sion of bacterial community were investigated. The results showed that alkaline pH was the optimum condi- tion and the maximum hydrogen yield was 14. 4 mL/g-MLSS. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) results indicated that alkaline pH was more proper for cultivation of hydrogen producing communi- ties. The Clostridium sp. , Enterococcus durans, and Eubacterium sp. were the dominant hydrogen produced bacterial populations. Hydrogen producing was most correlative with protein consuming under alkaline pH. And Eubacterium sp. only existed under alkaline pH could be the reason for relatively higher hydrogen-pro- ducing.
出处 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期710-715,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science
基金 国家重大水专项(2008ZX07211-007) 国家高技术研究发展863计划项目(2007AA061200) 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(11544038)
关键词 剩余污泥 厌氧发酵 产氢 细菌种群 碱性 wasted activated sludge anaerobic fermentation hydrogen producing bacterial community alka-line
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