简述了机车轮对踏面擦伤的相关背景、根本原因以及相关危害,结合FPGA小体积、易操作、智能化以及易控制等优势,设计出了一种基于FPGA的振动加速度检测轮对踏面擦伤的系统,实现了5路数据的多路采集。文中程序部分是用Verilog HDL语言,并利用ISE和Modelsim软件进行了仿真,验证了设计功能的正确性,得到了满意的结果。
This paper briefly describes the background, the cause and related harm of the abrasion existing on the wheel tread. With its advantages such as small size, easy operating, intelligent and so on, the equipment is designed based on the principle of vibration acceleration and on FPGA, realizing multi- channel acquisition of data. The procedure is programmed with Verilog HDL language and simulated with ISE and Modelsim software in order to verify the correctness of the design. The satisfactory results have been obtained.
Information Technology