

An experimental study on the effect of chunking on implicit memory
摘要 本研究通过设置编码与提取时组块加工对称和非对称性的实验条件来研究组块加工对内隐记忆效果的影响。试验一中65名被试对不同组块的单词进行残词补全作业,实验二中30名被试对未组块和组块的单词均做残词补全作业。结果显示:不管何种组块,被试记忆均能出现启动效应;当编码和提取时的组块方式相对称时记忆效果最好。 The effect of chunking on implicit memory was studied in this paper through setting symmetry and asymmetry of chunking between encoding and retrieving process. In study 1, 65 students were sampled to fulfill the word completion task in different chunking, while in study 2, 30 students were sampled to complete the task of unchunking and chunking. Results showed that no matter which kind of chunking, the priming effect was significant, meanwhile the memory effect was best when encoding and retrieval chunking were symmerry.
作者 王成康
出处 《社会心理科学》 2012年第6期103-107,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 内隐记忆 组块 编码特异性 implicit memory chunking encoding specificity
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