
关于南海争端越南学者的若干观点评析 被引量:3

Comments on Some Points of View by the Vietnamese Scholars on the South China Sea Disputes
摘要 近年来,越南学者就南海争端发表了大量论述,学术研究机构也就南海问题围绕与争端相关的历史、地缘政治、国际法和国际关系开展研讨。很多观点把中国视为南海争端的主要对手,要通过发掘“历史依据”以证明越南对我南海岛屿拥有主权;有的主张通过国际法、国际机制解决归属问题;也有学者承认中国的法律依据具有“某种”合理性。中越南海争端是利益之争,而非战略对抗。越方也有学者认为要从亚太区域国际关系大背景考察南海争端。从长远和现实看,中越通过谈判途径解决海上争端,在争议解决前维持现状,保持和平稳定,是中越两国基本的战略选择。 In recent years, a lot of views and comments have been made by the Vietnamese scholars as to the South China Sea disputes. Meanwhile, some academic and research institutions in Vietnam have also conducted some research and discussions on that issue in relation to its history, geopolitics, international law and international relations. Many point to China as major rival in the disputes. They want to prove that Vietnam has a claim to sovereignty over those Chinese islands on the sea. Some of them advocate settlement of the ownership of those islands by means of international law and international mechanism. Still others admit that China' s legal foundation has 'some kind of' rationalities. Disputes between China and Vietnam over the South China Sea can be attributed to a conflict of rights and interests, but not a head-on strategic confrontation. There are also some Vietnamese scholars who assert that those disputes should be handled under the backdrop of international relations in the Asia-Pacific region. From a long-term and practical point of view, the basic strategic options for both China and Vietnam remain to be that of working out a solution for the marine disputes by negotiation, and preserve the status quo and maintain peace and stability before a settlement of the disputes will be reached.
出处 《和平与发展》 2012年第3期48-52,71,共5页 Peace and Development
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