6Jim Hodges. All day, first BAMS test flights scheduled for 2012. C4 ISR Journal, 2009 ( 3 ).
7Otto Kreisher. DOD calls BAMS crucial to recapitalization of Navy capabilities. Seapower, 2010(4).
8Daniel P Taylor. BAMS program gears up for some major mile- stones this year. Seapower, 2010 (4).
9Gareth Jennings. Northrop Grum-man to test BAMS radar. Jane' s Defence Week, May 4, 2011.
10David A Fulghum. The U.S. na- vy will add EP-X to form an air- borne intel triad with P-8A and UAVs. Aviation Week & Space Technology, April 13, 2009.