
DSR协议下数据包攻击及防御机制 被引量:11

Packet Attack and Defense in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
摘要 移动Ad-hoc网络又称移动自组网、多跳网络,是一种特殊的、在不借助中心管理的情况下,在有限的范围内实现多个移动终端临时互联的网络。由于Adhoc网络自身的特殊性,其路由协议的设计与传统固定网络有很大不同,而且种类繁多,DSR协议便是其中一种。DSR协议也被称做动态源路由协议,它作为Ad-hoc网络的路由协议之一,最大特点是在发送的每个数据包中放入一个完整的、按序排列的路由信息,并且在传递数据包的过程中依赖着这些路由信息去完成工作。文章主要介绍了Ad-hoc网络中的DSR协议的工作方式,针对其安全性提出一种新的攻击模型——数据包攻击,并通过模拟实验,给出了数据包攻击的检测方法和防御策略,能够成功地发现并有效地阻碍数据包攻击。 A mobile ad-hoc network is a self-configuring infrastructureless network of mobile devices connected by wireless. DSR protocol, also known as dynamic source routing protocol, it is one of the Ad-hoc network routing protocols. The largest features of the DSR protocol is the packets will carry a complete and orderly routing information, and rely on routing information to complete the work. Although this approach has brought many advantages, such as more efficient use of bandwidth resources and save a lot of the cost of maintaining routing information, etc. It still have a lot of security risks. The paper introduces the work of the DSR protocol, and presents a new attack model for their safety - packet attack. Through simulation experiments, given a packet attack detection methods and defense strategies, able to successfully and effectively impede the packet attacks.
作者 黄心砚 易平
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《信息网络安全》 2012年第7期35-39,共5页 Netinfo Security
关键词 Ad—hoc网络 DSR协议 数据包攻击 NS-2 Ad-hoc network DSR protocol packet attack NS-2
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