
社会转型期的道德危机与道德教育——杜威民主主义道德教育思想再审视 被引量:2

The Moral Crisis and Moral Education in the Era of Social Transformation——A Re-examination of Dewey's Thoughts on Democratic Moral Education
摘要 19世纪下半叶至20世纪上半叶是美国历史发展中的一个重大社会转型期。在此时期,美国出现了因严重的社会失范而引发的种种社会矛盾与问题。基于社会危机主要是一种道德危机的判断,杜威围绕着寻找新道德的基础和维持、再生产新道德的机构这两个主要课题展开了其民主主义道德教育思想:以道德教育实现民主主义,以民主主义改造道德教育。杜威的道德教育思想对于同样处于社会转型期的当下中国道德教育改革有两点启示:一是凸显道德教育的民主目的;二是重视道德教育自身的民主化改革。 The period from the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century was one of great social transformation in the history of the United States. During this period,various social contradictions and problems emerged in the United States due to the serious social anomie. Based on the judgment that the nature of social crisis is one of moral crisis and focusing on finding the basis for new morality and the educational agency for maintaining and reproducing the new morality,John Dewey developed his thoughts of democratic moral education: to realize democracy through moral education and to reform moral education with democracy. Dewey's thoughts of moral education have at least implications in two aspects for contemporary Chinese moral education in the era of great social transformation as follows: one is that democratic purpose of moral education should be highlighted and the other is that the democratization reform of moral education itself should be paid attention to.
作者 饶舒琪 安然
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期103-112,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 社会转型:道德危机 道德教育 杜威 民主主义 social transformation moral crisis moral education John Dewey democracy
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