
院前急救的进展与思考 被引量:18

Progress and thinking of pre - hospital emergency
摘要 院前急救是急救医疗服务体系(emergency medical service system,EMSS)中重要的一环,近年来国外在科研、临床和培训等方面均有较大程度的发展,诸多方面都值得我国同行学习。通过查找近年来院前急救相关的权威文献,比较我国与国外在院前急救体制、灾难医学、教育培训、急救转运体制以及信息技术(information technology,IT)的差别,汲取有效的经验,为规范、提高我国院前急救提供借鉴。 Pre - hospital emergency is an important aspect of the emergency medical service system (EMSS). In recent years, foreign clinical research and training have a greater degree of development, many aspects are worthy of learning. Therefore, we compared the differences in pre - hospital emergency system, disaster medicine, education and training, emergency transport system, as well as information technology (IT) between China and foreign countries by retrospective analysis of authoritative literatures about pre - hospital emergency in order to provide the effective experience for pre - hospital emergency health development of our country.
出处 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期668-671,共4页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
关键词 院前急救 进步 思考 Pre - hospital emergency Progress Thinking
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