
基于测地距离的超像素生成方法 被引量:4

Superpixels construction method based on geodesic distance
摘要 超像素能够捕获图像的冗余信息,从而大大降低图像处理后续任务的复杂度.尽管很多分割算法都能生成超像素,但所生成的超像素大多具有高度的不规则性,大小和形状变化很不一致,而且很难控制其个数.利用图像曲面的内蕴几何,即测地距离来衡量像素间的相似性,提出了一个算法简单的、具有线性复杂度的超像素生成方法,能够生成形状近似规则的、分布均匀的、有指定个数的超像素.实验表明,对于不同复杂度的图像,该方法均能取得较好的结果. Superpixels can capture redundancy in the image and greatly reduce the complexity of subsequent image processing tasks. Any segmentation algorithm can extract superpixels, however, most of them produce highly irregular superpixels, and the number of superpixels is not easily decided. To solve this problem, a simple and linear complex algorithm is proposed to generate superpixels based on geodesic distance transform, which can generate desired number of superpixels with approximately uniform size and shape. Experimental results illustrate that the method proposed has the ability to generate superpixels with different complex images and results in exact and robust effects.
出处 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期610-614,共5页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60872122)
关键词 测地距离 超像素 聚类 分割 geodesic distance superpixels cluster segmentation
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