
后危机时代东亚出口导向型增长模式会发生异动吗? 被引量:5

Could East-Asia Export-Led Growth Mode Change in the Post-Crisis?
摘要 出口导向型增长模式在东亚地区已推行长达半个多世纪之久,带动了多个东亚国家实现了一个又一个的"增长奇迹"。自2008年全球金融危机发生之后,人们对东亚长期推行的出口导向型增长模式产生了更多的质疑。本文通过研究发现,在后危机时代,东亚出口导向型增长模式仍具有可持续性,但是其作用会有所弱化,同时内需将成为东亚国家实现经济增长的主要推动力之一。 East-Asia export-led growth mode has been executed for over half the century and led to the "miracle of growth" occurred in many East-Asia countries. Since the global financial crisis happened in 2008, East-Asia export-led growth mode has caused more doubts than before. This paper found that during the post-crisis, East-Asia export-led growth mode would be sustainable but go weaker than before. At the same time, East- Asia domestic demand could be one of the major driving forces of economic growth in the future.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期10-15,21,共7页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 东亚 出口导向 增长模式 East-Asia Export-Led Growth
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