

Influence of Exhaust Gas Treatment Process on Dioxin Emission Concentration
摘要 通过对医疗废物焚烧炉不同处理工艺条件下二噁英排放浓度的比较,揭示了降低二噁英排放的关键因素。控制合适的一燃室炉膛及二燃室炉膛温度,烟气在二燃室内停留时间不低于2 s,保证焚烧炉的含氧量在6%~10%之间,从而达到控制二噁英类前驱物的多相催化合成;减少由于积灰导致受热面积降低,延长烟气的降温时段,从而导致二噁英类污染物的二次合成;采用透气性好、过滤效率高、反吹及清灰后不改变孔隙的布袋及有效的活性碳脱除二噁英。 By comparing different treatment process of medical waste incinerators,this paper introduces the key factors of reducing dioxins emissions.Controlling the temperatures of primary and secondary combustors,ensuring the exposure time of exhaust gas in secondary combustor to no less than 2 seconds,making sure the oxygen content in combustors is between 6% to 10%,can reduce the heterogeneous catalytic synthesis of dioxin precursors.Expand the heated area and reduce the cooling time can reduce the secondary composition of dioxins.Dioxins removal should use effective activated carbon and dust bags with good air permeability,high filter efficiency and unchangeable interspaces.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2012年第7期30-34,共5页 Environmental Science and Management
关键词 毒性当量因子 毒性当量 二噁英 toxic equivalent factors toxic equivalent dioxins
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