
正义伦理学的兴起与古今伦理转型——以休谟、斯密的正义论为视角 被引量:5

The Rise of Justice and the Ancient-to-Current Ethic Transition——From the Theory of Hume D.and Adam Smith
摘要 在休谟的道德哲学中,"正义"居于引人注目的中心位置。他把道德分为"社会的道德"与"自然的道德"两类,"正义"是社会道德的基石,仁慈、同情、慷慨等则属于自然的道德。对于休谟来说,正义是财产权的伦理基础,有了正义才有财产权。而且,正义还是政府之合法性的基础。斯密进一步发展了休谟关于"正义"与其他美德之分的思想,他将"善"与"正义"归为两种不同层次的道德。"善"(应当)是美德,是高尚品德;"正义"(必须)则是规则,是底线伦理,它与法律同源同理。斯密揭示了"正义"的特性如强制性、消极道德、底线伦理等,并阐明了"正义"作为社会伦理之基础和人类联合之卫士的重要伦理意义,从而丰富和发展了道德正义理论。休谟和斯密之正义伦理学的兴起,是苏格兰启蒙运动道德哲学的重要成果,它表征着欧洲伦理学从至善论到正义论、从扬善抑恶到正义优先的转变,预示着古今伦理转型的趋势。古今伦理转型的实质,是特殊主义的共同体伦理向普遍主义的社会伦理的转型。休谟和斯密正义伦理学的意义,在于其表征着以正义为基础的普遍主义规则伦理的兴起。 In the ethnic philosophy of Hume D., the justice is of the unparalleled importance. According to this theory, the ethnic were classified into the ethic of society and the ethic of nature. Justice is the foundation of the social ethic while the mercy, compassionateness, generosity belongs to the ethic of nature. To Hume D. , both the financial rights that exist only after justice and the legitimacy of the government are based on the justice. Adam Smith developed Hume's classification of justice from the other virtues into the one in which kindness and justice belongs to the ethic of two different levels. The kindness should be virtue and the noble morality while the justice, which has the same origins and codes with the laws, should be the codes and the basic ethic. Meanwhile, Adam Smith illustrated the features of justice such as compulsion, passive ethics and basic ethics. And he also clarified the ethic significance of setting the justice as the foundation of the social ethic and guards of ianifying the human beings, which enriches and develops the theory of ethic justice. The booming of the justice ethic of Hume D. and Adam Smith is the major achievements of the ethic philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment which indicates the transition of the European ethic from the theory of supreme kindness to the one of justice, and also the one from propagandizing the good while restraining the evil to prioritizing the justice, which foretells the transition from the ancient ethic to the current one. The essence of the ancient-to-current ethic transition is the converting of the community ethic of the particularism to the social ethic of the universalism. And the significance of justice ethic of Hume and Smith lies in that it indicates the booming of the regular ethic of universalism which is based on the justice.
作者 高力克
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期47-53,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 休谟 斯密 正义 苏格兰运动 伦理转型 Hume D. , Adam Smith, justice, Scottish Enlightenment, ethic transition
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