
肿瘤浸润相关性微小RNA在膀胱尿路上皮癌中表达的初步研究 被引量:5

The infiltration related miRNAs in bladder urothelial carcinoma
摘要 目的筛选及验证膀胱尿路上皮癌中肿瘤浸润相关性微小RNA(miRNA)的表达。方法2009年2月至2010年4月随机收集膀胱尿路上皮癌标本20例,肌层浸润组12例,非浸润组8例。采用miRNA芯片分析筛选出肿瘤浸润相关性miRNA。再随机收集膀胱尿路上皮癌标本22例,浸润组15例,非浸润组7例,购置膀胱尿路上皮癌细胞株EJ、5637、T24、BIU-87等4型,采用RT—PCR法验证miRNA基因芯片结果。结果浸润组与非浸润组有7个差异表达基因,hsa—miR-29c、hsa—miR-200a、hsa.miR.378、hsa,miR-429、hsa—miR-200c、hsa—miR-141等上调,hsa-miR-451下调。选取5个miRNAs的RT—PCR验证结果与基因芯片结果一致。膀胱尿路上皮癌T24细胞株5个miRNAs的验证结果与基因芯片结果一致。结论膀胱尿路上皮癌的浸润、进展与miRNA的差异表达密切相关。 Objective To figure out and verify infiltration related miRNAs in bladder urothelial carcinoma (BUC). Methods Fresh tissues (20 samples, 12 were infiltrative BUC samples, 8 were non-infiltrative BUC samples) were collected in liquid nitrogen. The total RNA was extracted by using Trizol reagents. RNA quality control; miRNA microarray hybridization; data analysis. Another 22 samples were collected in fresh (15 were infiltrative BUC samples, 7 were non-infiltrative BUC samples) for verifying purpose. 4 types of bladder cancer cell lines were used for the study. BUC cell strain ; total RNA was extracted by Trizol reagents; RNA quality control; RT-PCR and analysis of the data. Results ①In infiltrative BUC group, compared with non-infiltrative BUC group, there were 7 differentially expressed miRNAs: hsa-miR- 29e, hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-378, hsa-miR-429, hsa-miR-200e and hsa-miR-141 were up-regulated; hsamiR-451 was down-regulated.②In collected samples, the result of RT-PCR was consistent with miRNA array. ③In bladder cancer cell lines, only the results of T24 were consistent with miRNA array. Conclusion Infiltration of BUC might relate with different expression of miRNAs.
出处 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期540-543,共4页 Chinese Journal of Urology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30772278)
关键词 微小RNA 膀胱尿路上皮癌 肿瘤浸润相关特异性miRNA 逆转录聚合酶链 反应 miRNA Bladder urotbelial carcinoma Infiltration related miRNA RT-PCR
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