

Usage Loyalty of Self-service Technology
摘要 自助服务技术就是让顾客在没有员工的参与下自行完成服务生产的技术,已经有越来越多的企业使用自助服务技术。但是在研究中,学者们通常将技术看作是一般的背景来探讨采纳和持续使用的影响因素,并没有考虑到不同企业之间的竞争,即顾客的忠诚问题。而作为一种新的行为模式,消费者对使用自助服务技术的忠诚也不同于传统的忠诚。本研究将使用习惯纳入到忠诚的架构中,探讨满意和转换成本对习惯、口碑和溢价支付意愿的影响。研究通过调查网上银行用户得到的数据证明,满意对形成使用习惯和口碑传播具有显著的正向影响,而转换成本对溢价支付具有正向的影响。本研究不仅拓展和丰富了传统的忠诚领域的研究,同时对实施自助服务技术的企业具有一定指导意义。 Self-service technology which means the customers conduct the service production without employee is in- creasingly used by many firms. But in the academic field, researchers always take technology as a general level to explore the antecedents of adoption or continue use. There is not any issue of competition about customer loyalty. As a new be- havioral mode, customer loyalty to a self - service technology is quite different from traditional loyalty. This paper intro- duces usage habit into customer loyalty, explores the effect of customer satisfaction and switch cost on usage habit, word of mouth and premium price intention. The data from online bank user tests that customer satisfaction has significant posi- tive effect on usage habit and word of mouth, and switch cost affects premium price intention positively. The result contributes a lot not only in the academic field by introduce habit in loyalty, but also meaningful for guiding the firm using the self- service technology.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第14期244-250,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 自助服务技术 使用习惯 忠诚 网上银行 self - service technology usage habit loyalty e - banking
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