
肿瘤血管生成机制研究进展 被引量:3

Mechanism of tumor angiogenesis
摘要 肿瘤的进展和转移必须依赖新生血管的支持,为了达到切断肿瘤血氧供应而抑制甚至治愈肿瘤的目的,研究人员在肿瘤血管生成机制方面进行了大量的研究并取得了一些成果。这些成果表明,众多的因素共同参与了肿瘤的血管新生过程,各种因素通过细胞和分子机制相互作用,构成了肿瘤血管新生的复杂调控网络。 Based on the theory of tumor angiogenesis, the vascular system is necessary for the advance and metastasis of the tumor. To inhibit or even cure the tumor, the researchers all over the world have made a great many of studies on the mechanism of tumor angiogenesis and have acquired some achievements. Based on the findings, a lot of factors are involved in tumor angiogenesis, and they constitute the complex regulating net- work through interaction at the molecular and cellular level.
作者 耿良 花宝金
出处 《国际肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2012年第7期492-497,共6页 Journal of International Oncology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30973839)
关键词 肿瘤 血管生成 调控机制 Neoplasms Angiogenesis Regulating mechanism
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