
基于社会网络分析法的生态工业园典型案例研究 被引量:23

Research of typical EIPs based on the social network analysis
摘要 以丹麦卡伦堡和广西贵港生态工业园为例,应用社会网络分析法分析典型生态工业园的组织结构和网络结构。用簇系数、平均最短距离、传递性以及核心-边缘结构来衡量其稳定性,分析其不同结构特征。卡伦堡生态工业园的簇系数为0.715,远高于贵港生态工业园的0.246,说明其聚合性较好;从最短距离长度来看,卡伦堡和贵港分别为2.110和2.236,复杂性弱;从传递性来看,两者传递性皆低于25%,节点之间联系性不够强;从核心-边缘结构来看,卡伦堡各节点之间的异质性(0.057)高于贵港(0.005),可见贵港参与主体的中心性较为均衡,而卡伦堡差异性较大。两者都以一个产业或者企业集团为网络核心;网络内其他节点联系不够紧密,长链条联结较少;网络复杂性弱。 Abstract: The eco-industrial park (EIP) is a new industrial organization form. It is the best choice to develop the EIP for the development of circular economy and energy conservation Since the 1970s, the EIP has become a highlight in the field of development of the world's industrial park. Some developed countries, such as Denmark, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and so on, started to plan the construction of ecological industrial demonstration zone in the early 1970s, while developing countries actively constructed the EIPs in the late 1970s, the number of which increased rapidly. For an EIP, the key to effectively reduce waste emissions and energy conservation in the circular economy is the structure of the enterprises network in the park. This article employed the social network analysis ( Social Network Analysis, SNA) to analyze the structure of the enterprises network. SNA was derived as a set of mathematical analysis from the mathematics of graph theory by sociologists Harison White, and his successor Boorman, Director, Brieger and Freeman in the 1960s. It is an important method, which can not only depict the network morphology, properties and network structure and but also effectively evaluate the network structure. SNA is a structural analysis method. It involved in the data analysis, the network structure determining and the experience summarizing, whose object can be individuals, businesses, independent organizations or groups. The linkage or contact of the relationship of the objects is the flow channel to send resources (material or non material ) , and to build the relations link is seen as a " structure" of the network. So it is effective to analyze the organizational structure and network structure of the coo-industrial park. Based on social network analysis, this article examines the organizational structure and network structure of typical EIPs taking cases of Kalunbdorg and Guigang EIPs. An index system including clustering coefficient, average shortestdistance, transitivity and core-periphery structure is established to measure their stability and analyzes the different structural features. The resuhs show that Kalunbdorg EIP' s clustering coefficient (0.715 ) and heterogeneity of all nodes (0. 057 ) are both higher than those of Guigang EIP (0. 246 and 0. 005, respectively), implying a better agglomeration and a more balanced centricity in Kalunbdorg EIP. Whereas little difference exists between Guigang EIP (2. 236 ) and Kalunbdorg EIP (2. 210) in term of shortest distance, and the complexity of them is weak. Furthermore, the transitivity is less than 25% in both EIPs, which indicates a weak link between nodes. From the core-periphery structure, the heterogeneity between the nodes of the Kalundborg (0. 057 ) is higher than Guigang (0. 005 ). The centricity of Guigang participates in the main body is more balanced, while Kalundborg' difference is large. It can be observed from the results that the two EIPs are both industrial symbiosis modes with one industry or enterprise group as the network core, resulting in a weak connection among other nodes in the network. In addition, a deficiency exists in the shortage of long chain links and network complexity in both EIPs. This article studies the social network and the organizational structure of the EIP from the perspective of the industrial chain, and analyzes the relationship and their status of the various nodes in the network organization. Furthermore, the structural features of the overall network are summed up, and the main problems in the development of the EIP are analyzed. By these analysis, we can provide a technical reference for the construction and development of EIP in China, in order to avoid China's current eco-industrial park construction blindly and repeatedly, which is of great significance for the different parts of the EIP construction as well as regional economic development.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第13期4236-4245,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41071086)
关键词 社会网络分析法 生态工业园 产业生态化 产业共生 social network analysis eco-industrial park industrial ecology industrial symbiosis
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