
基于过程视角的创业学习研究述评 被引量:2

Review on the Entrepreneurial Learning based on Process Perspective
摘要 伴随着创业热潮的兴起,创业学习已经成为近年来创业管理研究中的一个热点领域,但已有研究对于创业者是怎样学习的这一问题的探讨仍然非常有限。文章从行为学习、认知学习和情境学习视角,对最近10年发表在主流创业管理期刊上关于创业学习过程研究的文献进行系统的梳理和比较,研究发现基于不同视角的创业学习过程研究正在从分化、对立走向整合、互补,这对未来创业学习研究具有重要启示。 Along with the rising of the entrepreneurial boom, entrepreneurial learning has become a hot field of entrepreneurial management studies in recent years. However, there is few previous research which explore entrepreneur how to learning. Based on the perspective of behavioral learning, cognitive learning and situated learning, this paper sorts out and compares the entrepreneurial learning literature which are published in the mainstream entrepreneurship journals of the last decade. And it finds out that the entrepreneurial learning research based on different perspectives has develops from differentiation, opposition to integration and complementation. This paper has important implication for future study on entrepreneurial learning.
作者 孙菲 宋正刚
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2012年第9期138-142,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"创业者认知 创业学习及知识利用研究"(71072102) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"创业者认知偏误与新企业成长研究"(09YJC630131)
关键词 创业学习 创业管理 创业过程 entrepreneurial learning entrepreneurial management entrepreneurial process
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